I hope your stepson doesn't eat the fish

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


As previously mentioned the people i work for rent office space in a large building occupied by various other companies. The people that "own" the building are in my opinion a bit anal.

Outside the back door there is an "ashtray" it is metal, stands about half a metre tall and has a lock on it which they ACTUALLY KEEP LOCKED - why do you need to lock an ashtray? Who in their right mind would steal fag butts????

Friday, January 13, 2006

Long Time...

...No blog!

I haven't posted on here for nearly as long as I hadn't been to body combat for, I say hadn't, as I went last night and fuck me do I hurt today!

So New Year, New You and all that crap! I have decided to cut my caffeine consumption down, I was on about 6 cups of coffee a day and now i have three and if i feel the need for a hot drink after that I am on green tea. Whose idea was green tea? Does anyone ACTUALLY like it or do they just pretend? (OK Haze I know you drink it by choice, but you've just been brainwashed)

Also, why do we all fall for this New Year dieting/giving up smoking/drinking thing? Surely Christmas is all about eating shitloads of chocoloate and various other crap and by default, provided we go back to our pre christmas normality we are all going to lose weight anyway? It's all a con in an attempt to sell more newspapers, magazines and fitness videos! Although if you are planning to invest in a fitness video this year you could probably do worse than Max and Paddy's power of two!