Updates - Reading
So, I made it to Reading, got a taxi to the train station in the end... Surprised? No, neither was I! It rocked! I had a superb time and am absolutely gutted that i only went for one day meaning that i missed such class acts as Iron Maiden (my other half saw them and forgot to take the camera even though he promised!) , Kasabian, Maximo park, Marilyn Manson, The Killers, the list goes on... I have to say though, judging by how pants I felt by the time I got home on Sunday it is probably a good thing that i only went for one day!
Much resepct to those who managed to carry on drinking after I had wussed out and gone to sleep even though they had already been drinking almost solidly for two days previously (you know who you are!) The highlight of my day was the foos (obviously I suppose) and particularly DOA, it was so good! Unfortunately though it has meant that I haven't ben able to prise their album away from my other half ever since!
My absolutely fantastic picture of Dave Grohl will follow at some point - when i can work out how to get it off my phone! HA!
You see that red dot there? That's Dave Grohl that is!
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